Friday, December 4, 2009

Ria Harboe Art in Washington

Because I like to buy art and other handmade things for gifts and love reconnecting with long-lost friends, I am posting this information about a showing by artist Ria Harboe in Bellingham, Washington.

Just in case anyone peering in here lives in that area or will be visiting. (And doesn't the restaurant itself sound wonderful?) You can also check out her beautiful paintings and sculpture at her Web site.

I haven't seen Ria in over 20 years, but recently found her online. She worked with me at my family's lodge in the Sierras in the early 1980s and we had some great times together. She is a lovely lady, sweet and quick to laugh, and it's fun to see where her love of art has taken her.

"Life gives us brief moments with another...but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a life time."
~ Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Love the energy and tones in her work...I also think it so neat that you reconected with her online...


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